Friday, 31 October 2014

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) Movie Review

Director: Edgar Wright
Writers: Edgar Wright, Michael Bacall
Starring: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jason Schwartzman

It has been a long time since a really good movie has been inspired by video games. I actually can’t think of another movie that succeeds in paying homage to video games. This movie does it in an amazing way.

The most impressive thing about this movie is that it knows its audience so absurdly well. It makes some obscure references and the style is so gloriously reminiscent of nerd culture. This audience can relate the awkward main character so well. The movie just seems like Scott Pilgrim’s power trip when he realises he can beat the sense out of people.

Whoever edited this movie must have had a great time doing it. Onomatopoeias fly about the screen like a comic book. The fight scenes (which are brilliantly defined) are greatly exciting and each of them differ from each other. All the antagonists are memorable and funny. When would you ever forget the vegan with super-powers? The movie also constantly mentions the final ‘boss’ of the movie. You don’t go far without someone mentioning Gideon. You cannot wait for the fight between Scott and Gideon (and that doesn’t disappoint).

The movie uses one of my favourite aspects of having eyes, colour. The movie is so amazing to look at all times. Even during the moments when no action is taking place. Just some weird looking band playing a song is made endlessly exciting.

For a movie with an amazing amount of great characters, the band of protagonists is remarkably bland. Perhaps this was to emphasise the outlandish…ness of the enemies Scott is going to face. The entire band is the most forgettable part of the entire movie. The only other bad thing a kind see with this movie is the scene where the obscenities are robotically censored. It seemed unnecessary and just wasn’t that funny.

It’s the movie that knows its audience like its best friend. The comic book style is incredible to look at and the characters are amazing to see propel the plot. Come characters are rather bland but the bombastic characters more than make up for it. If you like video games or just enjoying things, watch this movie.

Recommendation Status: Unmissable

Please feel free to leave a comment on either the movie or the review. Say if you liked or disliked the movie. I'm interested to find out what you think!

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