Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Big Lebowski (1998) Movie Review

Director: Coen Brothers
Writers: Coen Brothers
Starring: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, John Turturro

In spite of how brilliant this movie is, so few of my friends have ever seen it.  I have never been in so many situations where my movie quotes have had to been explained. Clearly, this movie deserves far more recognition. It’s the story of how a dude’s rug gets pee’d upon and the cascade of events that ensue because of it.

One of the great things about the movie is that when you are watching it, you know that there is something more than simply the story of a dude and his rug. Speaking of the dude, Jeff Bridges provides an iconic and by far the best performance I have ever seen from him. He is such a laid-back character who garners respect from all his comrades. You really can’t help but sympathise with him. He spews some of the best lines heard… EVER! John Goodman also plays one of the most memorable characters in existence. I feel that that is the thing that makes this movie so incredible. It’s characters are immeasurably memorable (even Donnie who does almost nothing). I am going to need surgery to remove the memories of the movie (but I won’t because it’s excellent).

Hmm… let’s see… negatives. What did this movie do wrong. Perhaps you could argue that some of the characters come to nothing but you would be foolish because it all culminates with the brilliant line ‘the dude abides’. It shows that so much has happened that at this point, Jesus (the bowler) doesn’t to him. The investigator guy doesn’t matter to him and most certainly the teenage car thief doesn’t matter to him. I am really struggling here to find things wrong with this movie. The biggest criticism I have is on a purely mood scale. This movie is only watchable if you’re in the mood for really thinking about a movie. If you’re not… just watch Anchorman.

Clearly, I struggled finding anything wrong with this movie. There is so much to enjoy with the film and I am amazed that I had never watched it prior to a few weeks ago. Even saying it’s great to think about deeply can be debunked. There is enough humour and captivating story for you to passively watch it. Just stop reading this review and go to Amazon. Buy the movie. Watch it as soon as possible. Your life will improve.

Recommendation Status: Unmissable

Please feel free to leave a comment on either the movie or the review. Say if you liked or disliked the movie. I'm interested to find out what you think!

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