Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Super 8 (2011) Movie Review

Director: J.J. Abrams
Writer: J.J. Abrams
Starring: Joel Courtney, Riley Griffiths, Ellie Fanning

If you were ever wondering exactly what was in the ark of the covenant at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark… it was JJ Abrams’ filmography. The lens flares are blinding and they don’t stop.  Abrams’ biggest directorial work before Super 8 was Star Trek. Before that he had never strayed away from television. What I mean to say is that it is surprising quite how much I enjoyed a film from a director who has rarely been able to use that title. I did really enjoy it though.

An American town just like any other is normal… too normal. We follow a group of cherubic little filmmakers who want to make a monster movie. Let’s just say, the fecal matter well and truly hits the proverbial fan.

The children in this movie are probably the best ensemble of younger performances that has arisen in recent years. This is mainly down to how they act in uncomfortable situations. Many films such as the recent ‘Earth to Echo’ stray away from teenagers tiptoeing into the realm of profanity. It’s testament to the quality of the writing of the characters. They all seem realistic enough to be believed and liked at the same time. I understand that it could be difficult for someone who isn’t a teenager to write good teenage characters while staying inside the bounds of the age rating. No character stood out as particularly poorly written and was one of the most notably excellent parts of the movie.

I don’t want to say that there is anything exceptionally wrong with the film but a lot of the third act is unexceptionally designed. The locations are extremely reminiscent of other films that are far darker than this. The issue with the locations being so familiar to everyone ever is that there is nothing interesting in the background. Any of the shots in these areas just got lost in the crevices of my mind until about 20 seconds ago. If you don’t plan on watching this film repetitively, then this likely won’t effect you too much.

Super 8 is the standout example of children in movies. They act like real teenagers and are respectively likeable. Some of the sequences in the final act are somewhat underwhelming and familiar but I rather enjoyed the film as a whole.

Super 8 receives a: 7/10

Please feel free to leave a comment on either the movie or the review. Say if you liked or disliked the movie. I'm interested to find out what you think!

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